Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Good Push

Day 2 of behind the wheel MT instruction - done.

After an unnerving morning driving up to and around the New Hope area, we perfected our backing technique (offset, straight & alley dock) and headed to downtown Minneapolis. The man I'm training with and I took turns at the wheel on I94, across Nicollet Mall and down into the Leamington Transit Center - located under a parking ramp.

I'm very thankful for the instructors we've been working with. They push us so we grow in confidence and a "hyper awareness" of everything around us. After today's driving, in some traffic and through some tight spots, I'm thinking that maybe I will be able to do this Metro Transit driving job after all.

Of course, there are many more things to learn. Assuming we pass tests tests on Thursday and Friday, we'll have 2 more days of classroom instruction, on then on Wednesday of next week we'll drive (with an instructor) on routes, picking up passengers.

Our instructors push us to do well. They encourage us but then get tough when we make a mistake after they've given careful directions and we've practiced once or twice. The goal is to get us out there as public servants, transporting people safely.

All of us need a good push. We can do better in many ways. Let's encourage one another -- and let's let others challenge us. We can do a lot better than what we think.

Hebrews 10:24 "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds..."


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