Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friends for the Journey

It's been a long week and last night was a late one. I want to get out and get some exercise to clear my head and give my body a break from sitting. Before I do I want to let you know that (1) the ELCA churchwide assembly continues and (2) those of us who believe that the ELCA has moved away from clear scriptural teaching are not alone.

For now, I'll just post links to two groups that I think are going to be very helpful in the days and weeks ahead. The colored words in this blog are links.

The Lighthouse Covenant
provides "a focal point for progressive evangelicals to key on mission with those who share certain non-negotiables": (1) a high view of Scripture (2) a focus on kingdom expansion and congregational growth (3) the use of all spiritual gifts through the priesthood of all believers (4) commitment to marriage between one man and one woman and (5) that local churches are the most important part of the church's mission and life.

Lutheran CORE
represents "the CORE faith and principles of Lutheranism in North America" and "the vast middle of American Lutheranism, spanning geographical regions, vocations, and political viewpoints." The Lutheran CORE website says "We are united by our common commitment to the authority of Scripture in the life of the ELCA... and seeks to be a voice for the solid, faithful core that is the majority of ELCA members, pastors, and congregations."

I'll have more to say later today and tomorrow. I am thankful for those who have commented on this blog or who have sent email or facebook messages or who have called. Please do not remain silent. We need each other as we move ahead.

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