I don't recall how much I've written about our personal financial situation on this blog. For many years we had plenty and to spare. There was a lot of emphasis in my previous employment on the need to treat pastors well. That was a great thing for Toni and I, and for our kids, and for many others who we were able to share with.
We were able to set funds aside during those years, and it's a good thing too, because what I'm making in my work as a bus operator isn't enough to cover our living expenses right now. And, besides that, there are things that can happen which could put even my current relatively meager wages at risk. I'm doing pretty well as a driver, but I do make mistakes, and if certain mistakes are serious enough, and if they come to the attention of those in authority, it's possible that I could lose this job. Then we'd need to use savings even more.**
This move that God has been directing hasn't only been from Cokato to the Twin Cities.
+ It's a move from the "professional" world of salaried work to the world of wage work. (I noticed that today when I got saw what was paid to me for the first half of September. I had Labor Day off--but it was unpaid.)
+ It's a move from the luxury of working on my own schedule to being kept track of, minute by minute, from the time I drive out of the bus garage until I shut the bus down at the end of the morning and evening. (Computer systems track the buses and transit supervisors keep are out on the streets to keep watch.)

In short, it's a move from relative security to a "one day at a time" life. And if it wasn't for the fact that I've seen signs of God's purposes being worked out through these changes, I'd wonder if the whole move hadn't been a big mistake. But I do see signs and have watched God working things out for good.
In faith, I expect to see more evidence of that in the days to come. Even if the worst should happen, I believe God will be true to his promise. He will work everything out--for good--for me--and for all who love God and are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28). These promises are sure and solid because of Jesus, who died and rose from the dead for me and the whole world. I cling to him every time I'm afraid.
So we've moved from having some of our security in "things" and "profession" and "institution" to a more direct dependence on God himself. I believe will know Him better and better as we pass through these days.
This summer, on August 30, Toni and I were privileged to hear a message by Al Jones of New Life Assembly of God in Cokato.*** Al was sharing a series of messages on the Old Testament man of God Joseph, and the one we heard was entitled Joseph--Man of Destiny. I remember that now as I reflect on these days.
As Al proclaimed, "God never gives up on his destiny for you." I receive that, Lord, and I will confidently look ahead to how you will work it out.
*see yesterday's post on this blog
**There's a 6 month probationary period to get through for all of us bus operators. By the end of next week I'll have only 3½ months to go. :-| Uff da. It's so long! At least we were able to buy into company sponsored health insurance as of earlier this month. That helps.
***On <this webpage> (click link) you can find and listen to Al Jones' August 30 message "Joseph: Man of Destiny." On that Sunday morning Al proclaimed how God worked through and in Joseph as he interpreted a dream and wisely ruled Egypt during a period of plenty--followed by famine. (This is one of the biblical stories that is used to promote savings among believers. Read it in Genesis 41.)
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