Sunday, May 17, 2015

Led By God

Note added May 23 - We were so blessed on May 17 by a great message that starts about 20 minutes into the recording found at this link.
I'm so much looking forward to our time today at Crossroads. Steve Basney is preaching; he told me earlier that he "most likely" would be "talking about change and transition" and said "receiving God's peace, or the sovereignty of God" would be good music themes. He plans to speak, "most likely" he said, out of Deuteronomy 32:9-12 and Psalm 131."

As I was reading these passages a moment ago, the words that stood out to me were those in Deuteronomy 31:12 where, speaking of the way God guided found and guided his people through the wilderness, the Word says "the Lord alone guided him, no foreign god was with him."

As I pray for Crossroads Community Church in this transition, I pray that we will recognize how God has been guiding and leading us over the past 4 years. I pray that the people of this local church body would step more boldly into the future GOD has prepared. I pray that this church would not shrink back into being guided or led by other spiritual forces or, I would say, even any human leadership that sets itself up as "the authority."

Let us pray that the Lord alone would guide in the way he desires.

Time together praying over this will be important for us today as we gather for the second half of our annual meeting today after we hear the message God has for us. Pray for Steve Basney that he would be led only by the Lord too.


Here's a little quote from a website I found just now called "Prayer Resources." I think it's helpful.
God led the Children of Israel out of Egypt, through the wilderness, and into the Promised Land, He initiated seven specific stopping points. These points were not mere random places of rest. They were strategically selected by God to bring His people through experiences that would produce spiritual maturity. It is no surprise that each of these locations correlate to each of the discipling steps that are repeated every year through Israel’s feasts; to each of the discipling steps Jesus used in training the Twelve and, then, the Seventy; and to the discipling steps clearly defined by Peter in 2 Peter 1:5-10. Paul contends that the wilderness journey should serve as our examples in our own personal journey with the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:1-11).
And I would add, not only in our own personal journey, but in the journey we have with others in the body of Christ locally, in the local church.

[For more about the "locations" spoken of in the quote above, go to "On a Journey with God." I have not read or listened to the resources on that page.]

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