Friday, August 31, 2012

Are you praying?

I do not fully understand prayer and I doubt anyone does.  I do pray, though, and I have learned through experience that God answers prayer.  Do you pray?  Do you bring all of your needs to God?

One of my favorite verses about prayer is this one from Philippians 4:6-7 -
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
This is not a suggestion.  This is a command.  When God says "Don't worry" He means it.  If you are worrying, you are disobeying God.

So what do you do when you find yourself worrying?  PRAY!  Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done!  And then the promised peace will come.

Do you pray?  Or do you worry?  If you're not praying, don't worry about it, just pray!  God's forgiveness is full and free.  If you notice worries creeping in, think of them as a call to prayer.  Praise God for those worries because they bring you to your knees.  And then pray!

Have you tried this about the worries your are experiencing right now?  Many times it helps to ask others to pray along with you.  Prayer is not always singular.  In fact, the Bible teaches us there is power in praying with a group or team.  Consider Jesus' own words in Matthew 18:19-20.

Take time to pray.  Pray and ask God for what you need!  And thank Him for ALL He has done.  If you are not experiencing God's peace, here's the cure.  PRAY!

Crossroads Community Church is sponsoring a PRAYER WATCH INTERNATIONAL Community Prayer Conference coming up on Saturday, September 15.  Come for the morning or the afternoon.  And please keep this prayer conference in your prayers.  For more, see the Crossroads Community Church website at

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Look. Ask. Walk.

Through a God-ordained series of events in 2010, God started a new [local] church in a small Minnesota town called Cokato.  This new Christian fellowship was made up of people who had come to a significant choice point.  Something had occurred in their lives that led them to form a new Christian community.

There is much to be said about this, and not everything that could be said is something that everyone reading this would agree with, but one thing is abundantly clear: The men and women who were involved directly in the formation of this new church, together with those who came along had done what it says in Jeremiah 6:16 -- they did not just go one with life as usual.

These men and women noticed what was going on around them.  They noticed they had come to a crossroads, a place where there was a choice to be made.  They asked God which way to go.  And then they stepped out in a way that was different. 

These men and women did not allow themselves to be ruled simply by habit.  They came to a crossroads and didn't ignore it.  They looked, they asked for the eternal good way, and then they walked in it.  Each one made a step of faith.

Jeremiah 6:16, the verse that became the theme for this new church says this:
Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls.
As we move into the future it will be important to continue to look and ask and walk in the way God shows us.  Let us pray that we would never just fall back into routine or blind habits, but that we would keep our spiritual eyes and ears tuned to what is real and true, that we would ask you, Father God, what is best instead of being guided by our own perceptions, and that we would step out and live and walk in faith each day, one day after another, in faith and in trust.

Coming to Crossroads may not seem like a way to find rest, since we are constantly looking and asking and walking, but the promise is that as we do this we will find rest for the deepest part of who God made us to be.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Will You Share?

8:40 a.m. FYI - since I wrote this earlier this morning I found a way to connect my facebook and blog using twitter - look on the right side of this for my "twitter" feed and let me know as time goes by if that is appreciated.  Thanks!


Good morning!  Praising God here in Cokato for another new day!

When I started this blog, back in May and June of 2008, I didn't tell anyone for the first few weeks.  I just began to write and, as time went by, it became clear that this was something I enjoyed doing so I decided to let people know I was writing.  "Sharing Ministry and Faith" at was born.

I found this blog helpful as a way to get me motivated to write, and writing has always been a way that has been helpful in getting my thoughts organized.  This blog has been a real help in doing that.  I want to thank my daughter, Naomi Thorson Krueger, for introducing me to "blogging."  It's been a good run.

As you read this those of you who have been reading this consistently may be wondering if I'm going to shut this blog down for good but I haven't made that decision.  I only thought it would be good to write something and post it because it's been so long, almost two weeks, since I've added anything here.

I think that is so because my hope, when I titled this blog to begin with, was that it would be a way of "sharing" ministry and faith... and it was.*  Since then, however I've discovered that I long for true "equal sharing" on the internet.  I don't want to just share as if I was some sort of ministry or faith authority, though I do have experience in a variety of ways that others don't.  But since beginning this in 2008 other forms of communication have become more popular.  That's why I'm on facebook.  Please read more about that on my April 30 post entitled "Facebook Is Winning."

Anyway, I'm not necessarily signing off, but I do want to encourage you who are reading this blog to either (1) go back and make lots of comments on a variety of posts that you have found helpful or annoying or (2) just give in and join facebook.  If you have another idea about how to ramp up the "equal sharing" on this blog, or another form of popular social media that is less annoying to you than facebook, let me know.  That will motivate me to keep writing here.


I don't know how the statistics of this blog compare with the statistics of others, but supposedly there have been over 40,000 "visitors" since July of 2009.*  Every time you go to you become a "visitor" more than once, though, so how many actual people have really been looking at this I honestly have no idea.
 July 2009 - that's as far as the public statistics go back -- and those "visitors" don't include the times I have gone to myself -- I set something online to let "blogger" and "sitemeter" ignore my "visits" to this blog.

In my post of July 31 I talked about other reasons for writing less these days.  Two or three people mentioned that they had missed my writing and I appreciated their feedback.  Thank you!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cokato Corn Carnival Week

This email went out from Crossroads at noon today.
Subject:  Cokato Corn Carnival Week!
From:  Crossroads Community Church
Date:  Tue, Aug 14, 2012 12:04 pm
To:  Crossroads Community Church
Crossroads Friends:

What a great time last night at the Corn Carnival parade in Cokato!  Thank you to all who participated and all who made it possible!  Praise God!  (for the Corn Carnival Schedule go to

TODAY - I'll be helping out with other area pastors at the corn serving stand from 4 - 6 (or 3:30-6:30) today so stop by and say hi!  Also, two of Crossroads' young ladies, Ashlyn Davis and Jordann Hoernemann will be vying for Corn Carnival Queen at tonight at the 8:00 coronation!

WEDNESDAY - I plan to spend some time at a theological conference in Golden Valley and then in the evening we'll have prayer ministry here at church.  If you know of anyone, or yourself, who needs healing prayer, please come or bring them at 6:30 p.m.

THURSDAY - Youth event for Grade 6 and older at Pleasant Lake, Annandale.  The plan is to have fun and supper together at the beach starting at 3:30 until about 6:30.  Call the Kollers for more info at 320-286-0177 or call the church office 286-2100 - leave a message with your name and phone number and we'll get back to you.
Please hold Carl and the whole family close in your prayers.

SATURDAY at the Franklin Avenue Mission (August 18th).  We will be leaving from church at 11:30 am.  If you would like to volunteer food, clothes, money or yourself, please contact Ron 612-269-7795, Randy 612-819-0802, Frank 612-791-0294, Norma Jean 612-791-0101 or Becky 320-296-0762.. Anything you could do would be greatly appreciated.  More about the mission at

SUNDAY - Bible Study at 8:00 followed by worship at 9:15 - theme for preaching "Why is Marriage a Big Deal?"

MONDAY - Blood Drive at Dassel Covenant Church, Crossroads Board of Directors meeting at 7:00.

Please keep praying - and don't keep quiet about whatever the Lord lays on your heart!

Information about our Sep 15 COMMUNITY PRAYER CONFERENCE is on our church website -

Pastor Steve Thorson

ALSO - As we mentioned on Sunday here at church, a great woman of the faith, a soldier of the Most High God, Elnora Morris, passed away on Saturday. Visitation is at Good Shepherd Free Lutheran Church on  Wednesday, August 15, 4-7 p.m. and 1 hour prior to the service at Good Shepherd, Thursday, August 16, 11:00 a.m.  Please hold Carl close in your prayers.  For more see

Pray also for Ken Bakke -


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Crossroads August Update

The following went out as an email this evening.  If you'd like to receive future emails let us know!


Crossroads Friends -
There are so many excellent promises in God's Word.  Oh how excellent it is to know we can TRUST GOD at all times!
Last Sunday morning we took a poll of sorts at church, asking our people about some "REAL LIFE FAITH QUESTIONS" - and based on the poll we'll be covering the following topics in weeks to come:
Sundays through Sep 2 - 8:00 Bible Study, 9:15 Worship
Aug 12 - How do I TRUST in times of trouble.
Aug 19 - Why is MARRIAGE such a big deal
Aug 26 - Is it okay for me to JUDGE other people?
Sep 2 - What is a Christian's role in politics and government?
We'll be looking to God's Word together for these as well as every other faith question we have!  Other topics were suggested and we'll be covering them either on Sunday mornings, in classes, or on this blog.
At 7:00 p.m. THIS SUNDAY (August 12) we'll join the other churches in Cokato at a Community Worship Service to be held in Peterson Park, at the same location that the Corn Carnival will begin the next day.  Bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, and a sunhat and/or sunglasses.  If tradition holds true there will be pie afterward courtesy of the Elim Mission Church -- in case of bad weather the community service will be moved to Elim.
On Monday August 13th the Corn Carnival Parade will be held in Cokato with Crossroads as one of the entries! Can you join us from 6:00 – 7:30 that evening? We’ll walk in the parade handing out freezies for children and, for adults, Crossroads pens and brochures about a Community Prayer Conference we’ll be hosting this fall. Youth, can you help also? More info available from Lynne Lahr 320-286-5773 and Ann Benson 320-420-6315 (We are entry "50 something" in the parade... come look for us along 7th Street South and join in the fun!)  After the parade enjoy music by Jonathan Rundman - this Christian concert is sponsored by the Cokato pastors.
Lots more coming up very soon including - details on our church announcement page
  • Youth Event (Grade 6 through Young Adult) Thursday, August 16, 3:30 - 8:30 at Pleasant Lake, Annandale - beach and supper!
  • Franklin Avenue Mission  - Horizon church has asked if we could partner with them at the Franklin Avenue Mission on Saturday, August 18th.  We will be leaving from church at 11:30 am.  If you would like to volunteer food, clothes, money or yourself, please contact Ron 612-269-7795, Randy 612-819-0802, Frank 612-791-0294, Norma Jean 612-791-0191 or Becky 320-296-0762.. Anything you could do would be greatly appreciated.  More about the mission at
  • Fall Schedule begins September 9 with Sunday School and Bible study at 9:00 and worship at 10:15.  On Sunday August 26 after worship we'll get organized, decide on spaces, talk about what we'll be learning and teaching.  Contact Amy Thostenson - 320-275-3644  Themes for fall include, beginning Sep 16 "RESET" ... YOUR IDENTITY, YOUR PURPOSE, YOUR PLACE ... and, beginning Oct. 21 "WORDS WITH FRIENDS" - Words of CHALLENGE, CONFESSION & RECONCILIATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, HONESTY AND "YOUR STORY."
  • In response to last Sunday's message a group is planning help us distribute school supplies in our community, going to some apartments and homes with supplies and the question "Can we pray for you for 10 seconds?"  Check out more on our website and contact Kristine at our church office if you can help with this project!  Let's bless others as we have been blessed!  You can listen to last Sunday's message at
  • COMMUNITY PRAYER CONFERENCE - PRAYER PLUGGED IN - Saturday, September 15, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Download brochure - Our church was founded in PRAYER and faithfulness to God's Word.  We have a great treasure from God to share.  "Prayer Plugged In" will lead each of us, as individuals and as a community, to be the "House of Prayer" God has designed us to be.  "Prayer Plugged In" is about connecting believers to the unending power and truth of God. Your $25 (individual) or $40 (married couple) registration provides conference materials, lunch and refreshments throughout the day. TOPICS INCLUDE: 1) Becoming A Custom Built House Of Prayer 2) The Heart Of Biblical Worship In A House Of Prayer 3) The Indispensable Intercessor 4) Praying With And For Others As Part Of A Ministry In Your Church. For more information call: (320) 286-2100 or (320) 296-0762 or speak with Becky Sorenson, Diann Mauk, Norma Jean Cruz or Steve Thorson.  Our leader for this conference is Pastor Karl Kruse, the Upper Midwest Regional Director of Prayer Watch International.  If you need financial help to attend, or if you would like to invest financially in this opportunity for others, please speak privately with Pastor Thorson.
Much more about our church and upcoming events can be found on our website, www.crossroadscokato.comPlease forward this email to others who may be blessed by what we have to share!
God's peace to you all!  Continue to pray that God will use our church to set people free to follow Jesus - in all of life.