Monday, January 26, 2009

A Word from the Elephant

After yesterday's annual meeting I said that I hoped people would continue to share any concerns, questions and comments. Generally speaking, at church meetings, I'm surprised at how quiet it is. I'm wondering how many sit thinking they should ask a question or make a comment, but don't want to stand out from the crowd.

If you are aware of an elephant in the room, an issue that should be obvious but that no one is addressing directly, the best thing is to talk with someone in leadership. The most helpful way to do that is by following the pattern laid out in Matthew 18:15-16, to find a time when you can talk with someone in person - if the issue is at all serious, it's best to set a time for the conversation when you won't be interrupted.

If you're shy, you can always speak with a friend and ask that person to bring your concern to someone in leadership on your behalf. Your friend can then bring a response to you. Please be patient. It's sometimes takes awhile to find the right person to talk with and to get a good answer for your concern.

I always hope that people will feel free to speak on any subject. In the operation of the church there is no sacred cow. When you speak with me, I will try to listen carefully. I try to remember that people have important things to say. Usually, when one person speaks, I assume there are other people who feel the same way--and others who feel differently.

I hope those who come with concerns or questions will be open to learning and discussion. Often issues are quite complicated. There are always more than one or two sides to any issue, but this
does not diminish the concern that any one person has. See Luke 15:4.

If you want more information about our church's process and procedures, call or email me, the church office, or contact a member of our church council. You can also look at our church constitution (pdf document available for download here - 25 pages).

Thank you so much to those who serve our church as elected leaders - especially to our new president and vice-president.

Thanks you who are reading this. Thank you for your prayers, your patience, your support, and your feedback! You can always make a comment on this blog by clicking the word "comments" below.

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