When I've had time during this week I've been sorting through some desktop papers, taking action on some, filing a few, putting more in recycling and my "slow to throw" box. In the midst of this I've been writing a lot of emails, texts and making phone calls too, all meant to help with the transition that we're going through at Crossroads and that Toni and I are going through in our own lives. This week and last I've been especially busy sending notes and having conversations with our Board of Directors, various ministry partners and potential guest speakers and to some families, not to mention personal and family communication also focused on transition. There's much more yet to do in all of these areas.
My prayer now is that I would be open to the Lord's wisdom to know which pieces of work I'm meant to do, and which I should just leave undone for now. As Jo introduced our morning prayer, she encouraged us to think about those things that need to be "put away" as we transition, so that the future God has for us isn't too cluttered with the past. I also thought about how I don't want to clutter other people's paths. Sometimes it's best to let go and just get out of the way. So I pray for the wisdom I need.

For both me and the current board, the call is to pray for the same wisdom: assisting as God leads but then letting go--letting go especially of the decisions that our successors make in this place.
There is a need to help, but there is also a need to let go. Prayer is the way to do both.
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