Today, we joined a bunch of our daughter Naomi and husband Tim's friends and relatives as they helped them move from their apartment to a house in Roseville. Toni worked hard out in the yard while I did a bit in the house. I inaugurated their new bedroom with a nice nap. My assessment: the house sleeps well. Then we drove back down to my brother's to pick up the rotor-tiller that he had borrowed last year. We arrived home about 6:00. A very nice weekend so far!
In the midst of this, I've been talking with our son Dan about the amazingly huge GRACE that God showers on the world because of his great love. The LOVE of God is so HUGE that it is SCANDALOUS! It leaves NO ONE out! Wow! (I'm looking forward to celebrating that tomorrow with our beloved ones at Crossroads. Come and be with us as we share together. Looking forward to bible study at 9 and a message to be shared via Steve Basney at 10:15 worship.)
Moms know about giving. Here in the USA at least tomorrow is Mother's Day. My mom's health isn't very strong these days. Yesterday we prayed for her as we gathered to celebrate Jon & Breanna's graduation. Still, in the midst of all this family stuff, Holy Spirit pushes me to think of other mothers that I know whose lives are harder than any of us probably know -- mothers who suffer beyond what might seem "normal," mothers who really could use a touch of love from me and you.

We love because Christ first loved us. To those whom much is given, much will be required. Words straight from the heart of God. God's peace and love to all tonight and tomorrow, in Jesus' name.
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