This Sunday at Crossroads our children will lead us in celebrating the birth of our Savior and our King -- Jesus. Come Sunday, Dec. 18 and honor our children and enjoy the gift of Jesus' presence through the Holy Spirit. 10:15 a.m.
O come, little children,
O come one and all,
O come one and all,
To Bethlehem haste,
To the manger so small,
God's son for a gift
Has been sent you this night
To be your redeemer, your joy and delight.
He's born in a stable for you and for me,
Draw near by the bright gleaming
Starlight to see,
In swaddling clothes lying
So meek and so mild,
And purer than angels
The heavenly Child.
Kneel down and adore Him
With shepherds today,
With shepherds today,
Lift up little hands now
And praise Him as they
Rejoice that a Saviour
From sin you can boast,
And join in the song of the heavenly host.
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