Our children gave Toni and me a subscription to a service (Storyworth) that "prompts you to share personal stories." One prompt both Toni and I received was to tell about our experiences living in Brasil (that's the way Brazil is spelled in Brazil!)
Toni was in Brazil in 1981 with a "Lutheran Youth Encounter" team for about six months. I lived there for almost 17 months, from January 1983 till the end of May 1984. I had intended to stay until the end of June 1984. I came back early partly to be at my Grandma Thorson's 90th birthday party, which was on May 28.
I started writing about my time in Brazil for Storyworth but ended up writing way too much. I wrote about what led me to Brazil in the first place, and then about my first two months. It's been interesting for me to do this. My time in Brazil continues to influence me today.
I was in Brazil as a seminary exchange student and pastoral intern from January 1983 until late May 1984. I got interested in Brazil because Toni had been there on a Lutheran Youth Encounter team. I think I still have the letters I received from her during that time.
This is a shortened version that I sent to my kids on Saturday, March 22. The longer and more complicated version follows.
Toni and I were becoming interested in each other as more than friends by the time I left for Brazil. It was a step of faith for me to follow what I believed, and still believe, was God's call to fly south on January 3, 1983. I returned almost 17 months later, just in time for my Dad's mother's 90th birthday on May 28, 1984. After I had been in Brazil for more13 months, Toni came to visit me, arriving on Valentine's Day. By the time she left we were engaged to be married. Our wedding was on October 20, 1984.
Re-adjusting to being in the states was challenging, and NOT because Toni and I were getting married! Not at all because of that! Toni was made for me! What was challenging was re-adjusting to what we think of as a "normal" middle-class lifestyle, with comfortable dwellings, private vehicles, and a general sense of well-being and safety. Now, don't get me wrong! I didn't suffer when I was in Brazil, other than with missing Toni and feeling lonely 'cause I was in such a different "world." What was challenging was my discovery that what I think of as being "normal" here is not at all normal in most of the world. I learned that our "normal" is really "privilege." I've never forgotten that fact, and that makes living as "normal" here makes me feel uncomfortable. I suppose it'll always be that way.
During most of my first two months in Brazil I lived in the home of a wealthy dentist. He and his family were members of the Lutheran Church in Campinas, a city with a population about that of the Twin Cities. It was a nice house, complete with a second lot where E*** had just installed an in-ground swimming pool. However, if you looked out the back windows of his two-story home, you could see, less than a mile away, a shantytown, known in Brazil as a "favela."
About half the population of Brazil were poor enough not to have a decent house. I think the poor were mostly ignored by those who were more comfortable, but they weren't invisible like they are sometimes here. I couldn't shake that reality out of my mind and heart when I came home. I got used to it. But I know the truth: Most of the world's people are poor, insecure, endangered on a regular basis. And my life is full of blessing, another word for which is privilege.
I lived with E*** W**** and his family (wife C***, daughters S*** and G***) while I was learning Portuguese. For seven weeks I had language classes Monday through Friday, mornings and afternoons, about 4½ hours a day, Monday through Friday. I had two main teachers, one who worked with me on conversation, and another taught me grammar. (I had already studied some Portuguese before I left Dubuque, Iowa, where I was a seminary student at Wartburg.)
During those first two months, when I wasn't at class I'd practice talking with the family, as I learned from books and worksheets, and was surrounded by Brazilian city life, riding buses, visiting shops, taking care of business. I attended the Lutheran church and two spiritual retreats, one with missionaries from the United States, and one sponsored by an evangelical organization called "Encontrão." I traveled to São Paulo too, meeting a seminary professor, spending time with a catholic lay brotherhood in a favela, and hanging out with a Baptist missionary family that Toni got to know more than year before.
I packed my bags at the end of February and got on a bus for another Brazilian state, Rio Grande do Sul.
Tonight (on March 1, 2025), as I was doing some other writing, I went downstairs and dug out 12 "Letters from Brazil" that I started writing to my home church in January 1983 and continuing through May 1984. I'm sure I wrote 14 (not sure where the others are), plus so many other letters to Toni and my parents, and papers. Then there are cassette tape recordings and more than a hundred photos. So much material. If I tried to get organized before writing this, I'd never get started. So, let's leap in.
"My experience," as the Storyworth prompt was phrased WAS about "living in Brazil." It wasn't about the specific things I did, though there were hundreds of stories that could be told about particular circumstances.
Here's one:
I remember a conversation I had with Richard Wangen, a professor at the Lutheran "Faculty of Theology" (Faculdade do Teologia) in Brazil's southernmost state, a conversation in which I was lamenting that I wasn't truly "doing anything" to be of any help to anyone. This was when I was serving as an intern with a Lutheran church in a rural area. Dr. Wangen said, wisely I think, that my main contribution was just "being here," meaning, living in Brazil.
Yes, "living in Brazil," experiencing the cultures, getting to know some of the people, being shaped for the rest of my life, and learning who I was (and am) as a privileged person in a world that is, in many ways, and for most people, a painful place to exist. I also learned, and this is super important, that God, who we know best in Jesus, is the same no matter who we are or where we are. God, who we know best in Jesus, walks with people who are living in what we might think of as "good" conditions and really bad ones. But it does take a certain amount of surrendering to God and God's Word, centered in Jesus, to see that it's true.
Some of the memories are faded a bit now, but I'd like to share a couple anecdotes before relating some sort of "report" of my week to week and month to month journey.
+ There was a man who lived in a barebones house in Ceilândia, which was, in 1984, what I called a "slum suburb" of Brasília, in the central "Federal District." Not only was this man poor, but he had some sort of mental disease, or a demon, often banging his head on a bare wooden stud as he lay in bed. It was awful. I remember visiting as a pastor and not being able to bring him any comfort. All I could do was to verbally assure him of Jesus' love and be present with him for a while. I don't know what happened to him later.
+ There was another man who lived in conditions that weren't much better, in another part of Brazil, who was being cared for, at least a bit, in what would not pass as a "nursing home" here (though that's what it was), but who had some serenity. I was able to do a few chores for him, maybe emptying his urinal, maybe giving him water to drink or wash, but who was able to receive the assurance of God's love that I could share.
I don't know much more about those men, but I do know that Jesus loves them, and me, just the same. I wanted them to know about Jesus' love. The first step was to "be there."
Those of us who know Jesus and have some comforts, and some sense of peace, have a responsibility to reach out to those who are suffering, not to just "walk by on the other side" like the pious often do. Sometimes, usually even, we won't know what the results will be, and often our efforts will be too little and too late, but we must do what we can. I learned that in Brazil.
Those are extreme examples. Most of my time in Brazil was spent with people who, like me, were not obviously suffering, but the poor, who usually had problems in every area of their lives, were always "there," in neighborhoods nearby, in shantytowns, often crowded together and noisy, prone to violence and alcoholism and addictions. Most of those I lived and worked with didn't spend a lot of time with the poor. Dr. Wangen did, when he would visit people to offer prayer and some practical help, though he lived in a middle-class house; and so did some others, such as an intentionally poor Catholic brother/sisterhood who actually lived in a São Paulo shantytown.
Those "ministers" were, and are, examples for me, examples that I had a chance to follow now and then since I've been back in the states. Serving as a transit bus operator is the one way I live that ministry of presence now.
How did I come to live, for a time, in Brazil? Here's part of the story:
In the fall of 1981, I had enrolled at Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, while, at the same time, working as a psychiatric nursing assistant in the locked unit of a hospital nearby. During my first semester at Wartburg, I got to know João B****, who was in the USA on an "internship exchange program." He would be at the seminary for a semester and then go to serve as a pastoral intern somewhere in the eastern USA. At the same time, in 1981-82, Dennis Preston, a Wartburg student, was at the Faculdade in São Leopoldo, and then served his two-part internship, first in a rural Lutheran parish in southern Brazil, and then in that intentional Catholic community in the São Paulo shantytown. João and Dennis were the first pair of exchange students between Wartburg and the Faculdade. The two schools planned for a second exchange that would begin in 1983.
I got interested in that exchange program as I got to know João, who had an overflowing, ebullient personality. Just before coming to the states, he had met Toni and her Lutheran Youth Encounter team in his Brazilian hometown. Toni and I exchanged maybe a dozen letters during the six months she had been in Brazil, so, when João would mention the names of some of his friends, I would recognize some from Toni's letters! She and I were not yet "more than friends" but we were dear friends.
Because of João, and because of Toni, and after learning about Dennis Preston's ongoing experience, and having a long-term interest in social justice, I got very interested in Brazil. I was interested also because I wanted to know, first hand, if the Jesus I had come to know would be "real" even in among various social groups (comfortable, poor, etc.) in a "foreign" culture. During my time in Brazil, I would learn that the answer was "yes."
During my first semester at Wartburg (in the fall of 1981), the faculty was looking for someone to be the "Wartburg half" of the next exchange with Brazil. As 1982 began, and after João had left for his internship, the faculty hadn't yet found anyone who was seriously interested in the 1983-84 exchange. I think the faculty was getting a bit desperate to find someone who would go. So, though I had only just enrolled as a full-time student, I decided to apply for that next exchange. I don't remember if I was surprised or not, but the Wartburg faculty did accept my application for the exchange, and, at the same time, voted to accept me as an official "matriculated" Masters of Divinity student. That was early in 1982.
I continued my studies at Wartburg through that year. During that year, in addition to my seminary studies and my work at the hospital, and, that fall, finding two Brazilian students at a local college who could start teaching me português, I worked with the director of the Global Mission department of the American Lutheran Church on details and corresponded with the Global Mission committee of my home church, which decided to help raise funds for my airfare. The ALC Global Mission department paid for a seven-week language course, and paid me a stipend of something like $200 a month that I would use for all of my needs while at the Faculdade and in whatever place or places I would serve as an intern.
I was set to go. (After saying goodbye to Toni... we were by that time falling in love and beginning to think about "our" future... deciding that we would keep working on our relationship from a distance...)
-------------- Part 1 -- "Living in Campinas" ------------
After saying goodbye to Toni and to my family, who Toni was getting to know, I flew out of Minneapolis on January 3, 1983, landing the next day in São Paulo. I tried using my ever so basic Portuguese language skills right away as I found a bus to the city of Campinas, and then a taxi (communicating with the taxi driver was challenging) to the "Lar Luterano Belem" (a.k.a. "Bethlehem Lutheran Home") where I was to stay until a host family could be found in that city where I would take my 7-week language course.
When I arrived it was the middle of summer there. I remember the sun feeling "heavy". Campinas is on the Tropic of Capricorn! I don't remember it being horribly hot, just that the sun was straight overhead. I think it cooled off rather nicely at night. I don't think I ever lived in a home with air conditioning while I was there.
I'm going to leap ahead here and share some things about the language course because that's why I was in Campinas. Now, in 2015, 42 years later, the language school (Interclass) is still there, and owned by the same person.
The language course was excellent! I had two main teachers, both young women (____ and ____--I don't remember their names, sadly. Perhaps I could find them in old letters). I had some lessons from the owner of the language school, Pierre Coudry, who I'm still in touch with on facebook.
I remember one of the young women well (I'll call her teacher #1) because she befriended me, brought me around town one day to a shop that I think was owned by a friend of hers. I met her nephews too. One day she gave me a ride back to where I was staying on her motocicleta.
I had two class sessions every weekday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, about 15 hours a week. I had a couple books to study, and worksheets. I was trying to communicate also with my host family (more about them below). I had a few class sessions with Pierre, including one on palavrões, literally "Big Words," a.k.a. profanity, swearing, cursing, or cussing... Pierre didn't think it appropriate for me to learn those words from the young women!
+ I don't remember what religion teacher #1 a was, probably Catholic, but the other one was a Spiritist. Spiritism of various sorts was big in Brazil at the time, and maybe still is. Some were connected with the teachings of Allan Kardec. My memory is that the Kardecist form of Spiritism was popular mainly among the wealthy and middle-classes. Other forms of spiritism were mostly adhered to by the poor. I encountered one of those sects, "Umbanda," when I attended a "session" sometime later that year, when I was at the seminary (Faculdade de Teologia) in the south. Professor Richard Wangen invited some of us who were taking his pastoral care class to attend with him. It was weird.
Going back to living arrangements, I stayed at the Lutheran "Lar" for the first 10 days. The "Lar" was a dormitory where "ALC" (American Lutheran Church) missionaries' children had, in previous years, lived and were schooled in English while their parents lived in different places around Brazil. When I was there I don't think "boarding school" at the Lar was being used anymore in that way, though the building was used for retreats. The annual retreat of ALC missionaries (and their families) was going on during the time I stayed at the Lar. I roomed there with a (at the time) teenager, James Eidum, whose parents Toni and her team had stayed with during the previous year.
I enjoyed and learned a lot during seven day long the missionary retreat. We worshiped and made music together, ate together, had many conversations, formal and informal, and learned from guest speaker Richard Jensen, who was well known in the Lutheran Church. Richard Jensen, as a Lutheran seminary professor, had some up close and personal encounters with the Holy Spirit, and, as he wrote in his book Touched by the Spirit, worked to understand those experiences theologically. I had audited a course that he taught on the Holy Spirit during my first (part time) semester at Wartburg Seminary. The fact that Dr. Jensen was at Wartburg was a reason I chose to go there for seminary. One of the missionaries I met, and later befriended, was Jack Torgerson. Many years later Jack would be pastor of Stockholm Lutheran Church, rural Cokato.
The retreat went on from January 11 through the 18th. On Sunday the 10th, before the retreat began, I worshiped at the Brazilian Lutheran Church in Campinas, and, after I had been introduced to the congregation, E*** and C*** W**** volunteered to take me into their home, though I didn't move there until the 15th. (I reminded myself of the dates by looking at "Letter from Brazil — number 1" that I wrote "primarily for the members of St. James Lutheran Church" in Crystal. St. James was, as I mentioned earlier, my home church, and was, in part, financially supporting me.)
------Living at W***s------
E*** was KING of his house, a luxurious house with a swimming pool. He was proud of Cidinha because she kept house without empregadas — without any of the young women workers who often served upper class families. They had two children, S*** and G***. E*** was verbally cruel to Séfora, his older daughter, about 10 years old and doted on Gisela, about 6. E*** was a dentist who did well financially as he served "a large portion of the North American population in Campinas." I wrote this in my letter number 1: "Campinas is a temporary home for many citizens of the United States. Many U.S. corporations have office in Campinas, and some have factories nearby. It's also a city where many come to study Portuguese — corporate people and missionaries make up the largest portion of these."
I was grateful to have a place to stay. I paid, as I recall, $100 a week to stay at the W****s' home. Dr. W**** and I had one conversation in Ehglish while I was there — and that was so he could make clear to me that I would be paying $100 per week in US currency, not in Brazililan money, not in cruzeiros. Cidinha spoke no English, and neither did the girls. Gradually I learned to talk with Cidinha, but never got to know her well at all, but she had a great smile and a warm, welcoming manner. I think she was somewhat younger than her husband. From what I remember E*** bossed her around quite a bit, though he was affectionate at times.
I had a room to myself upstairs. E*** and C*** had their room upstairs too, as did the girls. I think each had their own. (Toni and I visited there in February of the next year.) I had the run of the house, and enjoyed the swimming pool a couple times. I felt weird in that luxury, though, because, from the upstairs windows, I could see the shacks of a shantytown (favela) not too far away. E*** has since died. I'm on facebook with Cidinha, Sefora,and Gisela, though we've never "talked" about my time with them. I remember one party that the W****s put on in their home, complete with hired musicians!
I stayed with the W****s (at Av. *******, XXXX) until late February. I was sometimes dropped off at the language school by E***, and sometimes took a bus, about a 20-minute trip. I don't remember taking a taxicab while I was living there, except when I first arrived in Campinas and took a cab to the Lar. I think I walked "home" to W****s a couple times — about an hour long walk. My routine was to get up, have coffee and breakfast, with the family, go to language school, come back for the main meal of the day with the family at about noon, have a short nap, then go back to school for the afternoon session and to wander around town a bit, sometimes trying my language skills. Then I'd get back to W****s for a little supper and to study my lessons and write letters home.
-------Other things in Campinas and beyond--------
I wrote lots of letters during my time in Brazil. Besides my monthly formal letters to St. James, I'd write personal letters to Toni and to my parents, and sometimes to Grandpa Larson and Grandma Thorson and other relatives. I had a lot of corresponding to do with David Nelson of the ALC Global Mission department, and with Heitor Meurer, who, at the time, was the Brazilian seminary's internship program coordinator. And I had to arrange housing for myself at the Lutheran Seminary in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. That wasn't too complicated because João B**** said I could take his place in an apartment (they called it a república) with some of his friends.
While I was in Campinas, there were two other young women, not my teachers, who I got to know and who liked me for some reason. I don't remember their names. I remember going walking in parks with them and going to their homes before or after, one time each. I wasn't "attracted" to them and didn't want more than conversation and friendship, since Toni and I had decided to keep working on our relationship during the 18 months I would be "away" in Brazil. I think I remember having the vague idea that Toni would visit at some point.
Toni and I on our relationship by writing dozens of letters—most of which I've kept. We talked on the phone too, but only about once a month. My memory tells me that a phone call cost about 75¢ per minute. It was cheaper for Toni to call me in Brazil than it was for me to call her. By letter we'd set a time and a place for her to call. I remember walking to the place we'd set for her call, and then waiting for the phone to ring—whether that was at the W****s' home in Campinas, at the Wangens' home in São Leopoldo, or, when I was out on internship, at my pastoral supervisors' homes in Rio Pardinho or Brasília.
As I mentioned earlier, one of the people I communicated with, while I was in Campinas, was the Brazilian Lutheran seminary's coordinator of internships. The plan that the Brazilian seminary had arranged with the seminary in the states (Wartburg) for the exchange program was for seminarians to spend six months in a combination of language and seminary study, and then a year on internship divided between two sites—one rural, and one urban. The Brazilian seminary's internship coordinator would have assigned me to both the rural and urban sites, but I already had an idea about who I wanted to mentor me as a supervisor for my urban experience.
My memory tells me that my idea of who could be my "urban" pastoral supervisor was not precisely "in line" with what the Brazilian internship supervisor would have suggested. The internship coordinator, Heitor Meuer, had set up the previous intern's urban experience with that previously mentioned catholic lay brotherhood's house in the São Paulo shantytown I mentioned earlier. When I was living in Campinas I went into São Paulo and spent the night in that house. I wasn't opposed to having my urban experience in that sort of setting. But I did want to be mentored in that experience with a pastor who had a personal faith, not just a social-political project. More about that later.
The pastor that I'd come to believe would be a good one to work with was Walter Dörr. I had heard about him from Toni's LYE team. He, with his wife Lydia, were pious, prayerful and hard working. They'd had fruitful ministries over the years. Pastor Dörr was an evangelical and traditional pastor who had founded a training program for agricultural workers (he was socially aware!) in the 1960s, after having come from Germany when he was a young man. I am unsure whether he ever became a Brazilian citizen, and I'm also not sure when he and Lydia moved to Brasília, the country's capital city.
Because I'd heard good things about him, I think from Toni's team, I decided I should travel to Brasília to meet him before I moved to seminary, to see if both of us thought an internship with him would be a good option. Toni's team spent time with the Dörrs in a rural area in 1981, but since that time they had moved to the capital city. They were working in that middle class city and in what was then what I remember as a "slum suburb" of Brasilia, Ceilândia, where the Lutheran church sponsored a Day Care Center.
I NEED TO MOVE THIS TO PART 2 of my "Living in Brazil" story. The social justice event I attended in Brasília did not happen at this time. It was in April, when I was at Seminary in São Leopoldo! I took a bus in April from São Leopoldo to Campinas, and then took the train trip from Campinas to Brasília for the social justice event. That's when I visited Dörrs.
My memory tells me that I went to Brasília, not mainly to meet the Dörrs, but to attend a "Social Justice" event. I think this was on the weekend before Lent and Carnaval, in the third week of February. There was a train that ran from São Paulo to Brasília, with a stop in Campinas. E*** gave me a ride to the train station. I got a second class ticket which gave me a school bus type seat, not all that comfortable for the long ride. I went to the dining car for a meal and sat with three other men, one of whom was a German who got drunk and paid for our whole table's meals.
I'm sure I have notes from the social justice event downstairs in a box. That was held at some kind of Roman Catholic retreat center. I may have had a private room. I remember listening to lectures and having conversations. I was getting somewhat competent with my portuguese understanding by then, though I'm sure my speech was not all that good.
At some point during the retreat I broke away and visited the Dörrs in their apartment — almost all the residents of Brasília lived in apartment buildings, mostly high rises. We talked together and prayed together. I may have stayed overnight with them, and then traveled back to Campinas — not by train — probably by bus.
I'M GOING TO NEED TO SORT THROUGH SOME PAPERS IN THE BASEMENT TO GET THIS RIGHT. One of my letters to my home congregation says I went to a different event during that weekend...
I think it was when I returned from Brasília I went to the local Carnaval parade (desfile). That was at night. I took a few photos. I think, perhaps, that the W****were out of town. Not sure.
The W****s invited me to a few outings. I remember going with them to their private "club" with a swimming pool, a restaurant, and other amenities, to a relatives' home (apartment) for a meal and party, and they invited me to a weekend at beach house but I chose not to go with them to that.
E*** brought me to a store downtown to pick out a suitcase to replace the one that had been smashed. I wanted to buy one made in Brazil. He thought it was a good one but said it was heavy, which it was -- all made of leather.
Finally, E*** brought me to the bus station when I left Campinas on the way to São Leopoldo. I took a picture of the family standing in their doorway when I left. Some pictures are here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10202827359178857
I'm sure there are things I'll want to change about this later... plus write part 2 (about São Leopoldo), part 3 (Rio Pardinho), and part 4 (when Toni was visiting), and part 5 (Brasília)